For me the very best way to learn is to watch others work. I'm happy to unpick my own process and throw it into the mix if it helps. If it does nothing but show someone how not to do something then I've helped.
Here I'm looking to create a spot and quarter page illustration to accompany a magazine article. The article provides a list of tips and suggestions for activities that will help keep chickens healthy and happy during the colder months.
Reading the article with a blank pad to one side I start by jotting down key words and little sketches as they came into my head. This gave me the idea of a coach type figure for the spot and a kid’s playground for the quarter page. I had thought of an army type assault course but remembered that the purpose of the exercise was that it was meant to be fun. |

This one was just trying to figure out the character of the ‘coach’ or instructor. I liked this approach with these sketches but he still looked a bit goofy, not a look I wanted. Still, this page gave me the start of the pose and also gave me the idea of the bat and ball as part of the quarter illustration.

Some extra working through ideas. The football coach style blackboard felt right to add to the instructional element which would combine well with the megaphone.